Monthly Archives: December 2015

Magic Monday: A Beginner’s Guide to Magic- White

Wishing for white Christmas? I got you covered!

This week we end our Beginner’s Guide to Magic. Where does the time go?

White is honor and pride. White is about the army of many. It’s about justice and valor. White is all the little pieces that make the machine work. What’s the best creature type to represent white in this standard? Allies of course.

Here’s a mono White Allies Deck I threw together!

Lands 21
21x Plains

Creatures 28
4x Cliffside Lookout
4x Expedition Envoy
4x Seeker of the Way
4x Kor Bladewhirl
4x Serene Steward
4x Lantern Scout
2x Archangel of Tithes
2x Felidar Soverign

Other Spells  11
4x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
3x Silkwrap
3x Valorous Stance
1x Radiant Purge

Summon as many allies as you can. The rally will trigger and give us sweet perks. Tithes and Felidar are the only non-ally triggers in the deck, so you should get them often. Remember Ultimating Gideon right off the bat can be the right play giving all our little guys +1/+1. If you can’t afford him put in Retreat to Emeria instead. Also, if you want the consistency of the Ally triggers over the finishing nature of Tithes and Felidar, add 4 of Hero of Goma Fada.

White are players who- like synergy with their creatures. Every creature works for the good of the whole. You will in no way have the biggest creatures, you will have no permission based cards, and no burn damage. You will, however, have creatures that go well together as well as solid removal. Kill and exile stuff that is in your way and then rally your way to victory behind first strike, double strike, etc.

Pros- Everything goes together. You get to play Gideon. You have access to some of the best removal in standard. What you like in size and speed you make up in your army. In your brotherhood valor and justice will always shine through.

Cons- You do not want to fall behind. Outside of maybe Soverign and Gideon, you do not really have a card that is going to just break the game. Be mindful of board wipes and know stabilizing might become more difficult the harder the hit, as a single creature will likely not win us the match by itself. No counter magic, no burn magic, and no pump spells(Outside of Gideon’s emblem) make us a little less exciting than the other colors but build your army and ruthlessly take  down your opponent before they can mount a comeback.

Well there you have it!

Beginner’s Guide to Magic is through, but Magic Monday will make a return in 2016 down the road.

Until than check out more Magic Monday Here!


Top Five Pokeballs that should exist!

It’s been tooooooo loooong since we’ve done a Top Five, so here’s an easy one to try and get us in the swing of things!

Remember the good old days of just having 4(5 if you count safari) different types of Pokeballs? Yeah, I’ve never said that either. One of favorite aspects of Johto were new pokeballs. Albeit, I grew up and realized there really isn’t a point to buy anything other than ultra balls once you can afford them. That does not mean we cannot have some fun with wacky pokeball ideas. Right? Plus, I always buy out there balls to try and capture the legendary pokemons in funny balls.

So here we go.

#5-The Random Ball- Okay. You’re gonna have to hear me out here. It wouldn’t be a DaHubbz countdown if we didn’t have a wacky and and crazy entry on this top five. You know how early in the game you get a bunch of pokemons no one cares for? Well the Random Ball will take that pokemon you do not care for and turn them into a random pokemon. I love this idea because it adds a curve ball to the every day mundane task of dealing with those annoying early game pokemons. It would throw off the balance of the game, so I suppose you can make it only available after you beat the Elite For or maybe make it the semi-random ball.

#4- The Nurture Ball- So, the badges let you do a lot of cool stuff outside of battle. Get into the Elite Four, use HMs, and oh, use traded pokemon. This use to be such a hassle back when I was still starting out. Blastoise would be falling asleep or recharging for who knows why. This Nurture Ball would make that a little less demanding. If badge two lets Lv 30 obey, than if a Lv 30 Pokemon is caught with a Nurture Ball and traded to someone, that Pokemon would obey even if the second owner did not have the second badge.

#3- Luck Ball- I think this one is pretty cool. Its a pokeball that has a chance to raise one random stat. If these pokeballs are accessible early on this could be a huge boost to get by the first couple parts of the game. It’d be pretty awesome. Don’t think there is any other thing needed to say about it. Yeap.

#2- The Scatter Ball- You know how they’ve made horde encounters a thing? Well, if you ever tried to catch a pokemon while the entire horde is still alive, you cannot “aim” somehow. I have two ideas for this one. Either A). It bust into multiple balls and attempts to catch all of them. or B). You could call it The Scope Ball or something where it singles out a single Pokemon in a horde. I think this ball would be relevant since the horde seems to be sticking around.

#1- The Lead Ball- Maybe not the best name for it but I didn’t want to name it the sticky ball or the trap ball. I am not sure how this ball would function completely yet. Some ideas for it that I do have are A). As the namesake, it makes the pokemon like lead and unable to flee. This would prevent abra from teleporting or the legendaries from fleeing. Chasing the dogs or the birds or the lake spirits or whatever, were always some of the most dreaded parts of my experience and this would just be an option to keep them stationary. B). Maybe it could have a better catch rate against pokemon that flee.

So there ya have it. That’s my top five. Feel free to add your own in the comments!

Until next time, check out other Top Fives Here
Or more Pokemon Here

Magic Monday: A Beginner’s Guide to Magic- Black

In honor of the Star Wars movie, we join the dark side.

You know the stories they tell you about witchcraft and voodoo and necromancy?  Well that were here to do! Black wizards use tricks and savage tactics to manipulate aspects of the game. Often, they do not care about their creatures and gain perks when they die.  Black is very twisted, but it is very satisfying.

Here’s a mono Black deck I threw together for today:
Lands 23
23x Swamp

Monsters 29
4x Bloodsoaked Champion
4x Hangarback Walker
4x Zulaport Cutthroat
4x Qarsi Sadist
4x Carrier Thrall
4x Nantuko Husk
2x Drana, Liberator of Malakir
2x Smothering Abomination
1x Gurmag Angler

Spells 8
1x Bone Splinters
3x Alter’s Reap
2x Ruinous Path
1x Murderous Cut
1x Duress
1x Transgress The Mind

Creatures die! It’s part of the game, after all. Our deck just takes advantage of this. This deck is stylized in the form and aristocrats deck that runs cards that want to die. Were mono black and not fancy. So we do not run Rally The Ancestors. You want to be sac’n Bloodsoaked Champion because he can revive himself. Hangarback leaves tokens behind, which, in return, can sac’d themselves. Do this while Zulaport is on the field and you start to hurt your opponent. Sac’n as a result of Nantuko Husk can beef him up and just kill your opponent right there. Drana, Smothering, Gurmag are here to finish the deal. The spells are mix of goodies from removal to draw spells. Duress is good for control and Transgress picks stuff out that is bigger than us.

Black is for players who- want evil creatures and diabolical spells. If you have ever dreamed of playing the bad guy black is for you. You have access to some of the best straight removal, most of your creatures have abilities

Pros- Black cards give you some amount of say in what sticks around(In the form of removal). Like green, the little guys shine here. Though green pumps its creatures,  black normally does not mind if it’s creatures die. You may not always have board presence because you are sac’n your creatures, but with all your removal they should have trouble establishing a board on you as well.

Cons- As mentioned, your creatures are small. Drana is a flyer which helps, but she’s still a 2/3 for 3. Gurmag is a welcomed addition because you can delve all your sac’d guys to get him out for 1 or 2. Remember, black with go faster, green will get bigger, and blue will try to deny you, but you are the most wicked one of them all!

Next week we finish the colors up with white!

Until then check out more Magic Monday here!

Scream Queens: Closing Thoughts!

Scream Queens is over and season two is not been confirmed, so lets have a closing thought… for now!

If you can recall all the way back to my first review of this show(Scream Queens First Review), it did not receive favorable words. So has my mind changed? Yes! Well, kind of.

Lets start with spoiler warnings. YES. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. So, if you have not seen the finale, go watch than come back.

Okay, so we will begin with the Red Devils. Were they good villains? By that, I mean were they memorable? Iconic? Well thought out? Memorable, probably not. Well thought out, yes, surprisingly. I hated on this show for not staying on topic and just jumping all over the place. When, in the end, everything was tied together, I was actually quite surprised. If you remember, I said of the remaining characters alive, Chanel #6 seemed the most likely due to her being the most like Boone. Similar looks, a characteristic that stood out from their brothers and sisters, and seemed to be playing a role. When it was revealed to be her, it came to no surprise. I will say I am bummed it was not Chanel #4. Now, I am college student and do not think highly of fraternities or sororities. I am in no way trying to insult or offend anybody in a fraternity or sorority. I had plenty of friends in my classes and on my hall who were in them and I was never entertained by their stories. This show not only takes those same stories I heard and common stereotypes and brings them to life. So, this show is particularly funny to me. However, this is a satire so obviously they take those stereotypes to the extreme. The funny part to me is by the time it is coming to it’s end, most of the characters at some point seemed to think the Red Devil was doing the world a favor. This was an interesting aspect to me that most of the characters almost seemed to sympathize with them. From Grace to Dean Munch, they all at some point or another said “maybe the Red Devil killer is right”. It is particularly referring to how hazing use to run rampart in the college system resulting in shattered self esteem and sometimes death and suicide. Towards the end the Red Devil is almost painted as a Robin Hood-esque character who was toppling an empire. I think this perspective added some depth to the otherwise boring and formulated mindless murders this show was initially imitating from slashers that came before. I am not a fan of the horror genre. I always felt a well thought out villain you could sympathize with was missing from the genre. Now, albeit, a woman giving birth in a tub at a sorority house while her sisters let her bleed out, is a little out there, but, how the public eye started viewing the sorority house as the more wicked evil is what this show really did right. Murder, of course, is never the answer. At times, though, the show made you believe the the sisters were the real evil here. My big complaint is that the Dickie Dollar Scholars were not bad people, just mindless. I do not exactly see why they were being targeted when you compare them to the Chanels.

The Chanels are a different breed of crazy. They stayed crazy through and through. While I never really liked any of their characters, the asylum scene was one of my favorite scenes in the whole show. It showed maybe what the Red Devil was doing had some legs to it. Chanel #3 was able to accept herself, Chanel #5 mellowed out(albeit, with the help of medicine) and Chanel did not have to try to be superior, though I think weve learned she will always be a tyrant at heart. While this scene is one of my favorites, the ending also makes no sense, but we will get to that later. I do not feel like there is much to say about them more than that. Every time they had a chance to change or apologize for the things they done, they threw them away without a second thought.

Pete and Grace’s relationship and dynamic might have been my favorite aspect of the show. At times it did seem like they were just snooping around and getting nothing done, but the opening scene of the finale was powerful and uncomfortable. I love this scene because any scene that lets me quote one of my favorite movies is a good scene. “You either die the hero, or you live long enough to see yourself turn into the villain”- Harvey Dent. Poor, poor Pete. Pete spun it like it was his and Grace’s mission and he was doing to keep Grace safe, but I think Pete was always kind of crazy. I think he would’ve been all on board if they approached him day 1.  It was clear he always wanted revenge on Chanel but I was quite oblivious to what extent he would take it too. I have not double checked the timeline, but if I am not mistaken, he was content with Dean Munch taking the fall and letting the twins continue their rampage. That does not seem very boy scout like, Pete. The sad part in all of this is Grace. Grace was a genuine saint for most of the series. It was so hypocritical and uncomfortable to watch her berate Pete for working with the Red Devil after A. see tried to kill Dean Munch and B. Said maybe the Red Devil was doing the right thing. It probably was for the best things did not work out. Her and Zayday succeeded in transforming Kappa, which was nice to see.

In the early review, I said Dean Munch was one of the only interesting and in-depth characters. This is still slightly true. The weird part is how her chapter ended. She was left alive. She murdered her husband, got a ghost writer to write her book, and covered up the death of a student on campus. Call me crazy, but she should have been the first character to go.

I know I just said the final scene was one of my favorite scenes of the series, but it was also one of the dumbest. I understand this show is ripping on tropes of the genre, but it gets to a point where it does not have to rip off of them. Which trope am I referring to? The Red Devil appearing at the end. What is the point? Who is this Red Devil? What do we know?

We know Boone and Pete are dead. They were the muscle. We know Hester said she was never going to kill again. So who was in the asylum? Boone did tell Pete there were more killers, so maybe this killer is from another school?  The staff has mentioned if a season two gets picked up it will be a summer camp theme. So how does this tie into the asylum finale? This ending seemed forced and made no sense based what we know at this point in time. I expected the Chanel’s to be plotting their revenge on Hester Gracie and Zayday. Clearly, this is a really simple plot compared to this season’s plot so I doubt it is likely. I do like the idea of summer camp because it gives the writers even more tropes to utterly ruin.

The other thing I did not like is the scene where Hester tells how the Chanels are “guilty”. Everything was so thought out up to this point. The plan was twenty years in the making. Every move was calculated and precise. Every motive was solid and every action meaningful. But this scene just seemed rushed, forced, and intentionally jumbled up and messy. I was following it when she was blaming Chanel #5, but after that it just seemed to drag on without accomplishing much. It would’ve been better if along the way they hinted about Chanel #3 having split personalities or anything like that. With Chanel #5 parents, I thought Gigi set this up 20 years ago and I was actually thinking “dang, that is cold”, but everything was something Hester threw together last minute to help things conveniently go off without a hitch.

Best Episode- Probably Episode 9 Ghost Stories.

Worst Episode- I would not necessarily say to skip any but Episode 7 Before of Young Girls seems borderline filler.

Favorite Character- Chad and Dean Munch are great!

Best line- This show is really quotable. If I were to watch it all over again I probably could find 10 or 20 best lines, but the one freshest on my mind is “You go, Cyclops”- Denise, Episode 13 The Finale. It is my favorite because it sums up the humor of the dialogue and the ignorance of the characters to the magnitude of whats going on around them

Okay here are the positives:
-Dialogue is priceless
-Half the deaths are pretty cool
-The interesting characters are really interesting
-The show overcomes its mind numbing slow start

Here are the cons-
-Characters are super shallow
-The other half of the deaths make you question the budget.
-The dull character are really dull.
-The show crashes under the weight of it’s momentum.

Verdict: My feelings towards the finale are an echoing sentiment of my feelings towards the show as a whole. The last four episodes were building up to such a high. I was fully prepared to apologize for doubting this and give it an 8. However, half of the 2 hour finale felted, rushed, insincere and just an all around waste of time. Having the Red Devil Killer come back was the worst way to end this and had no logical grounds to even occur. The ending was unrewarding and even insulting to the loyal fans who sat by this show despite it’s attempts to see how little it could try. Hester is a walking embodiment of this show. The show makes you think it was all thought out and planned, but it all just felt like they tried so hard on episodes 9-12 that when it got to the finale there was just no gas in the tank to finish. Chad and Zayday were some of the best characters and they were used sparingly towards the end. Do not get me wrong. I do not regret watching. It was quite enjoyable at times. I’d even go as far as to say I am interested in a season 2. All I am saying is you have to reward your audience for sticking to the end of your show, and this series did not.

Score: 5.5 out of 10. It definitely improved since the beginning but it’s legs gave out to early. It does make for a good binge watch.

Magic Monday

Today were going Green!

For the Outdoorsmen  in us all.

Green decks are defined by their creatures. Their little creatures work in conjunction in the early game to help your board presence get massive and out of hand in the late game. Green lets you summon unfair creatures to just absolutely demolish your opponents!

Here is a mono-green landfall deck I threw together

Lands 24
20x Forest
4x Evolving Wilds

Creatures 22
4x Jaddi Offshoot
4x Scythe Leopard
4x Snapping Gnarlid
3x Nissa Vastwood
4x Undergrowth Champion
2x Territorial Baloth
1x Oran-Reef Hyrda

Spells 14
4x Nissa’s Pilgrimage
4x Explosive Vegetation
2x Plummet
1x Reclaiming Vine
3x Swell To Growth

Landfall is mechanic in which creatures get some buff by having a land enter the field. Every creature in this deck has landfall except Nissa. When Nissa enters, however, she can search for a land. We have 8 spells plus 3 Nissas that go search for basic lands, which 20 of the land cards are basics. The Evolving Wilds are there so we can have two land triggers on the same turn! You have some money, ditch the evolving wilds and go buy some legit fetchlands. Plummets kill things with flying, which Green wizards hate. Reclaiming vines kills Silkwrap and other enchantment based removal. Swell to Growth beefs up our creatures as well as lets us play another land(which will in return beef them up more). This can just result in killing your opponents sometimes.

Green is for players who- want to be the biggest, baddest dude out there. If you survive the early game, you will dominate the late game. Green loves to commit to the board and swarm the opponent.

Cons- Remember swarming the board leaves you open to be hit by board wipe. You will be slower than red, and have no say so in permission like blue, but you be bigger them!

Next week we go to the dark side with black!

Until than check out more Magic Monday

Remember you can find this and other decks on my tappedout account.