Category Archives: 2019

Latest Pokemon Sword and Shield Update.

Back in the earlier days of the blog, doing updates on Sun and Moon were some of my favorite post. Discovering more about the regions, learning of new Pokemons, it sure was a Poke-Good time. Well, today we got some news so lets look at it, shall we?

Galar form pokemons.

By my research, I’ve seen three old Pokemons receive Galar forms. Check em out!


If I am being completely honest here, I didnt care for any of these Pokemons. Of their base forms, Weezing is my favorite. Of the Galar forms, Weezing is still my favorite for the steam punk vibe. Some interesting takeaways here are so far no koffin though it is probably implied. Secondly, Weezing’s second ability is hidden

New Pokemons


These two guys are Morpeko and Obstagoon respectively. Morpeko is clearly just a Pikachu knockoff. Now, while this is not a bad thing, I haven’t truly cared for a  Pikachu inspired Pokemon since Pichu (so basically none this century). But this doesnt mean Morpeko is bad as much as it means it is underwhelming. The type change is really neat and I’ll give them credit for experimenting some. Obstagoon is awesome. Not much more too say since not that much was revealed.


See the source imageAs far as rivals go, I was bit underwhelmed. Bede has potential to be one of those classic rivals but I’m not holding my breath. They will probably be a better rival than Hau, but that is not saying much (if anything, really.) Than there’s Marnie and Team Yell. I get it from a world prospective since competition seems to be a big aspect its only natural for their to be fans, but I hope these aren’t the bad guys of this region.See the source image

Well, it was a small update, but I may do more as they happen. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Manga Monday: My Hero Academia Volume 2!

Today, we do a first here on Dahubbz. We return to a series for a follow up manga review. We will be looking at My Hero Academia Volume 2. So, if you haven’t read my review of volume 1, check that out here.

See the source image

Spoilers: Spoilers for Volume 2 of course, but no major spoilers for the series itsef.

So what does Volume 2 do to improve upon the foundation of Volume 1? A lot, I would say.

The Plot: This is one area I would give a B for improvement. Honestly, Volume 1 kinda showed us what was up, so there didn’t need to be a lot revealed or added to the plot in this volume. The characters progress through their training protocols which include team battles and a planned rescue mission. The big addition here are the villains. Sometimes I struggle to fully grasp whats going on due to the nature of black and white art. That is true here. This means I’m not 100% sure what all the villains do, but they come off as being a threat we should take series.

Characters: Easily where the show improved the most. We got to meet or get a better understanding of soooo many characters it would be hard to keep track of everyone. Here we first meet the League of Villains (This name seems to imply, like with other examples in the first two volumes, that the series is heavily influenced by Western Comic Books.). Tomura Shigaraki stands out for design more than function, as I am not even entirely sure what he does.
Tomura_Shigaraki_Anime_Profile.png(This picture does not even do him justice.)
But his associates more than make up for it with their quirks.


The gang literally takes on a giant shadow whose quirk is akin to opening portals.

As for heroes, so many were on display here. Tsuyu Asui, a frog lady. Momo Yaoyorozu who can create countless new creations just by knowing their chemical make up. Denki Kaminari, the power of electricity. We also explore Izuku, Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka’s quirk a little more in depth. Shoto Todoroki is still kind of a mystery but I suspect he will be a big player in the future.

The World: You could argue this section actually took a hit. Instead of the whole world being a sandbox, we are now confound to the school of U.A. This isn’t completely bad due to the fact I’m pretty sure we will eventually graduate and move past the school, thus opening up the world. For the school itself it is really cool. The book shows there is more than just super heroes here which is neat. A plus for the world is we finally saw some upper tiered villains and that is exciting.

This volume really steps up the action. If Volume 1 was lacking in that department to you, this volume makes up for it.
Romance– I stand by nothing major has happened. My money would still be on Izuku and Uraraka, but now Izuku and Tsuyu have teamed up I suppose that is always an option.
Plot– The plot has been progressed slightly through trials and villains emerging.
Characters: Gotta stand by A+. Honestly, I feel like this category improved the most despite already being an A+.
The World: The world still hasn’t been fleshed out, but the school has potential for the time being.
Humor: Again, this is something the book does very well.

Verdict: “A near perfect introduction Manga. It showcases the potential for interesting characters, sly humor, possible love subplots, and intense action scenes. It serves as a great origin manga” Me when discussing Volume 1.
Yeah, I just feel like this is a better Volume 1 and if I enjoyed Volume 1 a lot, I’m going to enjoy this volume as well.

Score: 9.2 out of 10. Again I feel like this a step in the right direction but I’m hesitant to give it a much higher score. We’ve moved past the grind/level up formula for now (No doubt it will return when a bigger threat arrives, I’m sure!). That time instead was invested in awesome fight scenes and character development. So far the show is smart with it’s situations, obstacles, and character creation making each new challenge a joy to see how the characters figure out a way to survive.

I’m getting early Naruto vibes, which to me is never a bad thing. For starters we finally got the heated rivalry battle of Izuku and Bakugo. It was satisfying for a round 1 duel when I know they will throw down again. Characters have teamed up for simulations just like Naruto’s Team 7. And we get a very early look at a potential world threat in Tomura Shigaraki whose similar in role to Orochimaru.

This is definitely a series we will be revisiting for Volume 3. So stayed tune!

Thank you for reading my review! Follow me here for more reviews. I also do other reviews such as Anime and Video games as well as Top 5’s and discussion post! You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel here and follow me on Twitter here

More reading here:
ReLife Volume 1 Review
Dr. Stone Episode 1 Review

Dr. Stone Episode 1 Review

After a pretty long haitus from anime reviews, Crunchyroll and Facebook have teamed up to pull me right back in. Dr. Stone is an ongoing anime based on the manga of the same name. The anime is done by the studio TMS and airs on both Crunchyroll and Funimation.

Dr Stone.jpg

(I do not own the rights to any pictures used in this blog. All rights reserved to their respective owner)

Spoilers: This is a review of episode one. While there may be spoilers for episode 1, there’s no major spoilers for the series as a whole.

Plot: The idea here is that everyone on Earth gets turned to stone. Some 3,000 years later our two main characters breakthrough their stony exterior emerging to a world where forestry has now overrun the area. Thousands have died as their stone bodies have shattered or limbs have been severed off. Once our two main characters, Senku and Taiju reunite at the base of a river, the two go to work on how to bring the world back to the modern era.

Characters: This section is fairly easy, as they are the only two human beings alive at the moment. Senku is our green headed main character. He is a genius and the show makes that no secret. He has already begun working on a cure for the modern day stone age. I really think people who study psychology and character types would have a field day enjoying him. It’s not really revealed in the first episode, but later you will see he does not play judge, jury, or the hangman. He acts almost like neutral watcher. He wants to revive everyone. Good, bad, murderers, tax collectors, children, bums, it does not matter. I assume this is due to the fact that science really does not take sides. He’s just letting the process run it’s course.


Our next character is Taiju. Taiju is a bit more of a flat and uninteresting character. Now, that is in no way to say he a bad character. He kept himself motivated to live because he had a mission. Before the stone age struck, He was determined to tell his crush Yuzuriha, that he liked her. Of course, tragedy struck as both stone-crossed lovers were soon to be sealed in their rocky casing. But hey, his unwavering desire to confess his feelings for Yuzuriha worked because, well… It is an anime after all.

Image result for dr stone taiju and yuzuriha

Now, I’m not sure if this a good or bad thing, but the show is super self-aware of the two character’s strength and weakness. Again the show is not shy about constantly reminding you Senku is an intellectual supreme while Taiju wouldn’t know the difference between a push or pull door even if they were labeled. As a result the show has a stereotypical, albeit funny, role system for the two. Senku comes up with ideas while Taiju goes to hunt down the ingredients needed. The two play off each other’s differences in a way that naturally progresses the plot while also being funny and enjoyable such as the grapes to wine scene for example.

Image result for dr stone anime taiju crushing grapes

The World: This is also easy. There essentially is no world to discuss here. Mother Nature has come to reclaim most of her land. Some statues have survived the test of nature and time, but they are few and far between. Animals, for some unknown reason, were spared the same crystallized fate the humans experienced, birds notwithstanding for some reason. This is part of the fun though. How will Senku and Taiju interact with animals? Will they find remains of old buildings they use to interact with? Are there others who have shattered their mold and now walk with the living again? How will the world react to a sudden rise in the human population again? Ultimately, the world right now is a blank canvas and I cannot wait to see how Dr. Stone splatters itself all over the page.

Racap: I knew this was the anime I wanted use to rekindle my spark. This premise sounded super enjoyable and I have not been disappointed. I’ve watched the first three episodes as of now and it really keeps getting better.

Action: While nonexistent in this episode. Episodes two and three do help deliver more of a punch.
Romance: Taiju clearly has a crush on Yuzuriha but you will have to keep watching to see if they end up together.
Plot: I came for the plot.
Characters: But I stayed for the characters.
The World: Empty and underdeveloped, but that isn’t exactly a bad thing.
Humor: A definite strength and high point of the show is the humor. For a pseudo-apocalyptic world, these two really don’t let that fact stop them from smiling or cutting up.
The Ending: The ending is great as we see they have possibly cracked the code for cracking open that hard outer shell.

Verdict: While this is episode one of a show that currently only has four episodes out, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the hype is there. It is going to be so fun to see what’s left of the world. If Senku and Taiju have shed their rock skin, whose to say other’s could not? How will differing viewpoints of Senku and people he resurrects clash? The world is currently empty which hurts this episode’s score but I think makes me more excited for the show as a whole.

Score: A solid 8.5 out of 10. Mostly, because there are still so many question marks that is hard to get a perfect score.

I will revisit this one once the season has wrapped up. So let me know what you guys think so far. What animes should I review next? Let me know down below.

Thanks so much for reading and have a great day!

Continued reading here!
ReLife Review
Food Wars Season One Review
My Hero Academia Review