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Games That Are TRAPPED on the Wii U!

With the last major Nintendo Switch Direct behind us, it’s getting safer to say these games will not be coming to the Switch. And yes, I’m using the phrase “stuck on Wii U” or something to that effect. But sure, the Switch’s successor could always port these games, but that’s no fun. So we’re suspending that for this video. A lot of these games were already unlikely to come over due to the game pad, even though we’ve seen companies rework their games before. So let’s look at some games that are stuck on the Wii U.

Thumbnail from our YouTube video

Let’s get the elephant of the room immediately, Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. I’ve been saying all along not to believe these rumors. And now 4 years later I feel vindicated. I don’t really like being negative. But let’s call a spade a spade. These games were rumored originally during the early days of Covid. The theology kinda makes sense. It was Covid. Nintendo was really relying on ports and remakes during the shutdown. Around a similar time, Zelda was celebrating its 35th anniversary. Mario had it’s 3D All Star Collection and some other goodies. Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Wind Wakers name started getting tossed around like a modern take on the Gamecube’s Zelda Collection. But there was never any real traction from Nintendo. Just fans shouting prayers into the dark hyrule sky. With every Direct, the rumors and mumbling for this collection would ebb and flow. Sometimes, you’d forget these rumors exist. Other times, you couldn’t escape it. I’ve long believed every Zelda game should be playable on the Switch. But I doubt we’re getting a gamecube feature added to NSO or these games getting physical releases on the Switch at this point. So I think it’s safe to say the HD versions of these games are stuck on the Wii U forever.

That brings us to Xenoblade Chronicles X. Personally, I did really want this ported over to the Switch. If I’m going to play a lengthy JRPG, I’d just prefer to play them on the Switch. I’m not giving up hope that this could be announced as a final shot in the arm for Switch on the way out the door, but I also don’t think it’d hurt sales to just be a Switch Successor title. Still I like the idea of all the Xenoblade Chronicle games being on the same console.

Next is Kirby. This is one of the few Kirby games that just didn’t click with me immediately. I was excited for the amiibo capabilities and I did like the first few levels. I’m just more of a Kirby on the ground kinda guy. I’m always down for a Kirby port don’t get me wrong. I was really hoping for one of the DS/3DS games personally. Still this was always a long shot. It doesn’t have the same mainstream appeal of Forgotten Lands. The playstyle with the stylus and Gamepad would have to had a major overhaul. I guess none of that was in the cards for our pink puff.

Staying on the “jaded entry of a beloved franchise” brings us to Star Fox Zero.  The Gamepad gave this game a unique cockpit view that many people wondered how it would translate over. Overall, Star Fox Zero was not held with any esteem. So it was always more likely that we would get a new Star Fox more than a remake. And with how low the sun has gotten on the Switch, it’s looking like a lock that Star Fox will just be passed over for the Switch’s life span. At least Star Fox 64 is playable on the NSO N64 expansion.

Nintendoland is another misunderstood Wii U title that was always doomed to stay on the Wii U. And honestly, this belongs on the Wii U. As one of the best examples of why the gamepad is the most underrated controller of all time. The mini games are awesome. Is this truly a 60 title? No. But imagine if they remade it and added Splatoon, Pokemon, and Bayonetta to the list of attractions. It would have been awesome. Which is why I would have loved to see a sequel on the Switch.

With the announcement of Mario and Luigi Brothership, the ship has officially set sail on Paper Mario Color Splash. This post has probably outed me as a Wii U apologist. If it hasn’t, then the segment probably will. Color Splash is another misunderstood Wii U title. I know, I know. I sound like a broken record. Hard-core Paper Mario fans hated this game, but it really isn’t that bad. But again, I never expected to see this ported over. Until this year, I don’t think any Paper Mario games had been remade. I never thought they would remake TTYD, let alone Color Splash. And it’s also true. The original three Paper Mario games are just peak Paper Mario. So I think if they were ever going to remake a Paper Mario game, Color Splash was always going to be low on their list. One thing I’m happy about with Paper Mario is that we got a new title in Origami King and a Remake in Thousand Year Door. Color Splash is just an unfortunate victim of being the 4th or 5th best game in such a beloved franchise.

Here’s one you probably weren’t expecting, Devil’s Third. This game is technically published by Nintendo so I figured we would count it today. If you don’t follow Wii U collecting, this is the most infamous Wii U ever. Arguably the rarest, most expensive and dumbest game on the console. I say in half jest. It is one of two Wii U Games I don’t own. Did part of me hope it would get a Switch release and maybe that would lower the price? Maybe. Since it has escaped me to this day, I don’t have a lot to say about it. But again, it was published by Nintendo. They seem content to leave it stranded on the Wii U.

Lastly, today was the game I thought had the best shot. Probably the best Wii U exclusive left. Yoshi’s Woolly World. I’m super nostalgic for this game. It was an instant classic the day it came out. It’s one of the better modern day side scrollers and couch co-op games. This is the game I wanted brought over more than any other title mentioned today. If you own a Wii U and don’t own this one, I recommend grabbing now because I think it’s safe to say this title is trapped on the Wii U.

So there you go guys. These are the major games published by Nintendo left to rot on the Wii U. Of course, unless you’re a Wii U collector, fan and enthusiast like myself. Then you can play these games any time you wish. Almost makes me feel bad for all the filthy Switch owners. Again, I’m partly kidding. I own both consoles and love both. But keep this guide in mind while you’re out game hunting, because unless you grab a Wii U you’re missing out on some real bangers like Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Nintendoland and Yoshi’s Woolly World. So did I miss any other Wii U exclusives? What’s your favorite game mentioned today? Let us know down below. Don’t forget to subscribe. We will see you in the next one.

My June 2024 Nintendo Direct Predictions!

June is rapidly approaching, which means we’re getting closer to the next Nintendo Direct. The general expectation is that 2024 is going to be filled out with ports and remakes. I actually agree with this for the most part. I’m not sure we’re going to get any super major releases between now and Christmas. We know Pokemon Legends will be a headliner going into 2025. But what does Nintendo have in store for 2024? So today we’re going to talk about the games I think Nintendo could roll out in the order of likeliness I think they’ll happen.

Remember, you can watch this in video form over on my channel Dahubbz:

My Nintendo Direction Predictions!

Let’s start with an Honorable mention. Fire Emblem. Keep in mind, I’m not the biggest Fire Emblem fan, so I’m not the best source of information for the series. However, it’s been over a year since the last release. Fire Emblem also seems to be on a tear through the Switch’s lifespan. If Nintendo is in need of one last home run for the holiday season, a Fire Emblem game could be that hit. Not to mention, Fire Emblem Genealogy of War has supposedly been rumored for a while. But again, it’s not a franchise I follow very closely.

Okay. Now time for #5. Super Mario Odyssey 2. This is wishful thinking at this point. I loved Odyssey. It’s one of my favorite games of all time. I really wanted it to get a sequel. The only mainline 3D Mario game to get a sequel is Super Mario Galaxy 2. Which was also released on the Wii like Galaxy 1 was. So my theory for almost a decade has been, if we’re getting Odyssey 2, it’s gonna be on the Switch. if we get to another console, it’ll be a completely new idea (like Sunshine to Galaxy or Galaxy to Odyssey). It’ll sting a little more considering we never got DLC either. I just really wanted a new adventure in the Odyssey game engine.
However, with the Mario 3D collection out, I think finally getting Galaxy 2 on the Switch is a very real possibility.

#4 Kirby Planet Robobot- I am a huge Kirby fan. However, this game has always escaped me for one reason or another. I’d love to see it get brought over to the Switch. I’m not sure if there’s any mechanics that would be exclusive to the 3DS that couldn’t be brought over. That’s one reason I’m not buying into Star Fox Zero or Kirby and the Rainbow Curse being brought to the Switch. Kirby is another franchise that has had a great showing on the Switch. Be it new releases, remakes or eShop exclusives, Kirby is a very active franchise and I think it could do well this holiday season.

#3 Xenoblade Chronicles X. I think it is likely that we will get a Wii U port. There’s plenty of games getting tossed out at this point, but I think Xenoblade Chronicles X makes a lot of sense. For starters, the name. Xenoblade Chronicles means something to a lot of Nintendo’s die hard RPG fans. I also think the rest of the Xenoblade Chronicles series is playable on Switch, so it’d make sense to have it on the console as well. I really don’t think this is a bad option to have for a Christmas- like release. Maybe this would compliment a bigger Pokémon/Zelda/Metroid like release. Either way, I think this is a solid option.

#2 Twilight Princess/Wind Waker HD. Feels like I’ve been skeptical of this rumor for 5 years now. And I still kind of am. Before I disregarded it saying Skyward Sword needed to be brought over to the Switch first. We’ll, that has now happened. I’d still prefer Ocarina of Time coming to the Switch first, but that’s a personal preference. Honestly, I’m reaaaalllly rooting for Oracle of Ages and Season to get released in a single cart. I feel like that game needs the port more than both Ocarina of Time and TPWW combo. But here’s an idea no one is talking about, A Link to the Past. I get it, it’s a 2D classic. How do you go about porting this sucker over. Keep it 2D? Then can you really get away with charging $60? Give it the Link’s Awakening treatment? Then risk the potential backlash from purists who hate the art style? Yeah, I think the Twilight Princess, Wind Waker HD will probably be the safest option as it won’t be polarizing or feel like a betrayal of the classics. With Nintendo saying no DLC for Tears of the Kingdom, I’m really interested to see what Nintendo does with Zelda moving forward.

#1 Metroid 2 and 3 combo pack- This is my sure fire bet for the Switch this year. I saw someone say it would be weird for Metroid 1 to get a standalone release and then combo 2 and 3. I’m going to reference Pikmin for why I actually think it makes sense. Nintendo released Pikmin 3 as a hold over until Pikmin 4 was ready. Then as we approached Pikmin 4, we got 1+2 as a combo. It’s this line of work that makes me think a combo pack is absolutely possible. Not to mention if you want Metroid Prime 4 as your Switch launch title or big holiday release next year, we’ve got to get these Prime remakes on the road. I just think it makes all the sense in the world. However, is a Metroid Prime 2&3 combo pack enough to carry them through the holidays? I’m not sure.

I think it’s very likely we also see another Gamecube game get ported over- Luigi’s Mansion 1. Luigi’s Mansion 2 and 3 are available to play on Switch, so we really need to get the first one on the console before we move on to the Switch’s successor.

There you have it. You think Nintendo could announce anything spicy? Any new games, remakes we won’t see coming, or DLC? Mario Wonder and Pikmin 4 could be strong candidates to get DLC as well. Let me know what you think Nintendo will do! Thanks for watching. Have a great day.