Daily Archives: August 11, 2020

Just A Small Update: First Day of the Semester (August 11th, 2020)

Good news: I don’t have any crazy updates like in the past. Simply put, I feel like it is good to pump out content on a regular basis. When I have nothing to really blog about or I am super busy, I like to do these updates. We’ve gained a handful of new followers, so I don’t know how much you guys know about me, actually. So, I figured I would just do a life update today instead of trying to come up with something to review or report on.

Today was my first day back to my college. Technically, my semester started yesterday with 4 online classes. Today, my two in person classes began. It’s a weird time world wide, but definitely here in the States. I have no illusions of colleges staying in person all year. Especially, mine and my state here in the south. Plenty of elementary schools have started and then contracted cases of Covid within 3 days. Wild. With some elementary schools, a student gets it and the class moves online for 2 weeks. Sometimes 10 plus cases in a single school occur and they move online for 2 weeks. My belief is that pressure will mount through August, and if by some miracle we are still going in September, we wont make it through September.

I still love doing anime, video games and manga reviews, so expect more as the semester goes on. However, there are a couple of me projects, as in real life projects not associated with the blog, I want to prioritize along with school that could cut into regularly scheduled content. When I was majoring in education and student teaching/job shadowing/subbing, I tried to blog more about that. Since switching over to accounting, I have not had the same drive to integrate that aspect of my life to the blog. However, with Covid messing up aspects of my life such as attending college and watching sports just to name a few, I could see myself blogging more about my personal life. I have a Twitter. I never use it for its intended use. I put most of my thoughts here.

So there you have it. A very short update. Hopefully you guys read this and compare it to your situation. I’d love to hear down below how your school/work life is holding up now that Fall is in full swing.

Have a great day and thanks for reading! I am off to do homework…