Blog Archives

We’re Streaming A Hat in Time Tonight 7PM EST! On Youtube!

As the title says, we are streaming A Hat in Time Mods tonight! We will be playing more Space mod Jams.

Did you miss last week’s stream? Check it out here!

Anywho. Come out to the stream, hang out and chat some!

We will see you there! (Subscribe to the Youtube Channel here)

Reacting to My Super Smash Brother’s Ultimate Character Speculation Video!

This blog post is a companion piece to my video that just aired on my YouTube channel. I’ll list my 5 guesses from before the game comes out and give a slight comment about it. If you want to watch my original video, watch it here! If you want to watch the companion video, watch it here!

#5 Wonderful Red

Odds he makes it in: 4/10.
Pros: I think the pros for him are Platinum Games and Nintendo’s good and healthy working relationship. I think it also helps that Wonderful 101 has been ported to the Switch. He has a very awesome design that lends itself to a fighting game.

Cons: The port happened forever ago. It is not a huge, groundbreaking reveal. Platinum games has already released a new game, Astral Chain. Meaning I think the protagonist in it is a stronger candidate. I give it a 4/10 because I feel the cons overweigh the pros, making his path tough.

#4 Pokemon (Dragonite)

Odds Dragonite Makes it in: 1/10
Pros: Vintage Pokemon is still relevant. Pokemon in general is still very relevant. The Dragon typing is heavily underrepresented. Awesome design.

Cons: There’s no telling which of the original 151 would make it in, if any. Gen 8 is relevant as well, meaning they could go with a new Pokémon. Pokemon is kind of in that second party area, meaning they may want to go with a more first party character to end it off with.

Odds a new Pokemon makes it in: 7/10.

Pokemon is still one of Nintendo’s biggest properties. However, I’m not sure it would be the most impactful pick.

#3 Funky Kong

Odds he makes it in: 2/10

Pros: Has a sleek, awesome design. DK Tropical Freeze has been ported over to Switch.

Cons: Some time has gone by since the port. He is such a side character when I feel the last roster spot will go to a main character. I feel like both of those reasons are pretty big hold backs.

#2 The Champions

Odds they make it in: 0/10

Pros: Best case scenarios , as spirits or trophies.

Cons: I feel like their time has passed.

#1 Hat Kid

Odds they make it in: 1/10

Pros: She pays homage to Mario and plenty of the other franchises in the game. Her move set writes itself. It would be massive for an indie games.

Cons: There’s such a low chance an indie character makes it in. Again, she would not be a ground breaking announcement. Sans got in as a mii fighter so I feel like that’s the ceiling for her.

So that was my list before the game released. I think all these guesses were okay picks back in 2018 leading up to the game’s launch. However, for most of them I feel like the window has closed. Which is why I’m going to do an updated list soon!

Thank you guys so much for reading! Have a great day!

Streams Are Coming Back!

Hey guys. Thursday Night streams are making a come back! If you arent following our YouTube channel you’re missing out. Normally on Thursday nights we stream A Hat in Time content. We are planning on streaming random stuff over on Twitch so make sure you follow both the Dahubbz YouTube channel and Twich channel. Feel free to recommend solo games or Co-OP games. I dont usually play online multiplayer games though.

Anyway, if you ever make it to a stream, be sure to be apart of the chat.

Thank you guys and have a great night!

We Will Be Streaming Mario Party 9 Tonight! (Wes vs Jess)!

Hey guys, Wes Vs Jess returns tonight. Live! On Youtube! As we continue through Mario Party 9 on the Wii! Make sure you are subscribed with notifications turned on so you never miss a live stream!

Subscribe to Our Youtube Channel Here!

Watch Part #1 To Our Stream Here!

For those of you unaware. Wes vs Jess is a video series where Jessica and myself go head to head in a variety of games. This time around, we are competing in Mario Party 9 on Wii. The Stream will probably start around 10 or 11. Make sure you are subscribed so you know.