My cat, Elizabeth, has passed away.

Hey guys. Yall know that sometimes I use this blog as a timestamp, snapshot in time of my life. My cat passed away last night at the vet. Her lungs collapsed, causing her breathing complications. She had to be put on a ventilator. She was already too critical at that point to run tests on her. She seems to have died from heart complications.

I love you, Elizabeth
This is a mood.
She loved boxes.
Holding daddy’s hand

I got her shortly after starting the blog. It was around the fall of 2015. So she was roughly 9 years old. She was deeply loved and will be missed. My daughter is 2 and is able to bound with them. She had trouble saying Elizabeth, all she could say is “Biscuit”. So the name did stick. Of course, since we’ve left the vet my daughter has asked me 15 times “Where’s Biscuit”. Elizabeth’s sister cat has tumors and will be meeting with a specialist Tuesday to discuss options, as this would be her second surgery in 8 months.

Elizabeth and Eevee
They were inseparable
And always working together

It’s wild to think they were healthy and carefree in October. Now they’re both getting worn down. Time flies too fast sometimes.

My wife and I were just reminiscing about the day we got them, Eevee and Elizabeth. My wife wanted a calico cat. Well, it just so happens a massive litter of short black hair cats were dropped off the same day we went to the shelter. My wife picked her out her calico cat. The person running the shelter said if we took one of the black cats, we could get both for free. So we went back to grab a second cat. She asked me which one to get. I told her to get the cat that seemed the most eager to come with us. She reached her hand into the cage and pulled out Elizabeth. Our life was forever changed that day as Elizabeth became my cat. She was moody and filled with angst, but she was mine.

I miss you, Elizabeth.

About dahubbz

Hi! Im a twenty-six year old college student who loves to relax with some animes, mangas, comic books, video games, you name it. Im also into sports, movies and music. If any of this stuff interest you, follow my blog and do not be scared to strike up a conversation. I love discussing all of these mediums of entertainment. Check often for Updates! Follow me on twitter @Dahubbz Join my forum

Posted on May 25, 2024, in 2024, Life Post and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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